
Mother Antonia´s Place

Mother Antonia´s Messages

Mother Antonia gave us a great legacy about her way of thinking and acting. We offer small phrases drawn from her letters and writings to meditate and share.

Those who knew her, wrote about her awesome personality. You can find out in this VIDEO

Humility is the foundation of holiness
... now I do not belong anymore I am the slave of the poor
Antonia de Oviedo a Titina el 25 de marzo de 1865. BH Vol IV, 1
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I am persuaded that the Congregation will not be preserved and will not seek the glory of God more than for humility and simplicity
Ask God for me, so that I can succeed in his work, that the harder it costs me the more I want it
I am oblate and have made oblation of myself
BHI. Doc 52.4. ch
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There is no one to join the goodwill, the whole freedom that I enjoy
It is not nobility or interests what it takes to save many souls. It is holiness, self-denial, the spirit of sacrifice
BHI. Doc. 56. 1, c
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Everyone is afraid and they abandon us. May God be blessed! If He is with us, who can tremble? Courage, courage, to fight against fear and discouragement!
BHI. Doc.57.5. ch
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May all our hearts overflow with charity for the girls whom heaven entrusts to us.
BHI. Doc. 65.3. f
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Girls are the grace of God
I want my daughters to see in them the image of our Divine Redeemer
We are not religious that we have girls, but we are mothers and teachers of the girls, and to make this office holy we are religious...
Our work is to gather and moralize the poor girls of any age and condition who, repentant, want to change their lives and begin the great struggle of grace
Oblates have to cut slowly and only slowly, the threads gently without hurting the sick part, with affection with heroism and with patience.
"As for me, my heart is filled with joy and I can not give you (P. Serra) enough thanks for having been the one who has brought me to this holy work.
We must think that we are the humblest of all the servants of the Lord, but we will not allow ourselves to be won by any religion in love with the cross of our Redeemer.
It is not enough for us that a young woman should have a good religious vocation: she must have a vocation as a Redemptorist and be animated by an ardent zeal for the salvation of the poor sinful souls, being disposed to imitate our divine Redeemer.
Many will be the times when the Oblate of Stmo. Redeemer will have to arm himself with extreme patience, complete self-denial, endless suffering ... But when he feels his strength weaken, take a look at the crucifix and think that he suffers for the one who suffered so much and for the same purpose. That the Oblate of the Redeemer does not faint, and remember the words of St. Paul: "All that I can in him that comforts me"
Be what God wants. Blessed and praised be her most holy will and adored her paternal hand! When it hurts, as when it consoles. More thorns and again more cross. Blessed be God, who truly makes us his wives! Ask the Lord not to say it only with the pen, but it is stamped on my heart.
... the Lord does not dwell in turmoil. So, whenever you are disturbed, your charity moves away from God. He is in the calm is in Him. And, well, in Him alone. So, when you have V. Pains and dislikes turn to God, close yourself in your divine heart, tell everything as if you did not know and ask him to help you, saying: Without you, Lord, I can not do anything and everything will be with you and, go ahead!
May the Lord be blessed! If He is with us, who will make us tremble? I encourage, encourage, to fight against fear and discouragement.
Mother Antonia´s Place
Mother Antonia Maria of the Mercy belongs to the great female figures of the nineteenth century and she was a woman with an advanced culture for her time. Her deep sensitivity to the reality of women in prostitution led her to found our congregation in 1870. She was recognized by the Church as Venerable in 1962. Know a little more about her life and ask for her intercession!

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