
Our misssion

Mission and Objectives


The evangelizing mission of Jesus is made in the Oblates of solidarity and a shared path with girls, young women and women who are in the context of prostitution or are victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

A mission that engages us in the defense of their rights, in the search for opportunities for promotion and inclusion and leads us to establish close relations of complicity, from recognition and equality.

Socioeconomic and humanitarian crises, coupled with deep social, political and cultural transformations, show how poverty, structural exclusion and inequality have a special impact on women. This challenges us to:

  • Maintain a dynamic of discernment, with a global perspective, to update the understanding of the mission in the light of the new challenges generated by social and cultural dynamics.
  • Remain in the evangelical imperative of entering into the contexts of exclusion and prostitution, with prophetic implication, real solidarity and affirmation of the God of Life.
  • Strive to defend human, civil, cultural and social rights of women in prostitution or victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, disregarding a society where prejudice and rejection prevail against this group of women.


• Promote actions to bring women closer to the concrete reality and, free from prejudices and stereotypes, create links that initiate empowerment processes
• Generate services and socio-educational actions that awaken in women the dormant potentialities, strengthen their autonomy and their growth as leaders.
• Create, through networking with other people and groups, bridges of justice and solidarity, so that women achieve a qualified insertion and the full exercise of their rights of citizenship in their reality.
• To carry out a work of awareness , about the violation of the rights of this social sector and, in articulation with different institutions, develop advocacy actions for the improvement of public policies.
• Participate in networking with consecrated persons and other social, religious and political organizations, strengthening prevention, awareness, protection, assistance and denunciation of trafficking in persons.
For the Oblates it is important to welcome women, seeing them beyond the activity they perform and the prejudices existing in the social imaginary
(Cfr. Capítulo General 2013)
Oblate Communities in several countries
Articles, studies and news
of our sisters and laity
Women we have accompanied


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