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(In Spanish)
Con “un futuro lleno de esperanza” finaliza el XXIV Consejo Ampliado
9 July, 2024 / Oblatas
“Os daré un futuro lleno de esperanza”, Jr. 29,11 El XXIV Consejo Ampliado celebrado estos días en San Pablo, Brasil, llega a su fin. Tras 12 días de intenso trabajo en asamblea, finaliza e...
5 July, 2024 / Oblatas
Medalla de Oro de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria a las Hermanas Oblatas
La ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ha entregado la Medalla de O...
29 June, 2024 / Oblatas
Comienza el XXIV Consejo Ampliado de la Congregación
Reunidas las hermanas de los equipos General y Provinciales de diferen...
27 June, 2024 / Oblatas
Madre del Perpetuo Socorro, “bendita eres por ser espacio de salvación”
“Guerras, violencia, armamento muy cerca de nuestras fronteras. Nece...
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Mother Antonia´s Place
Mother Antonia Maria of the Mercy belongs to the great female figures of the nineteenth century and she was a woman with an advanced culture for her time. Her deep sensitivity to the reality of women in prostitution led her to found our congregation in 1870. She was recognized by the Church as Venerable in 1962.
Know a little more about her life and ask for her intercession!

Sensitivity test results, expressed as the concentration of drug required to inhibit the growth of virus in cell culture by 50% (EC 50), vary greatly depending upon a number of factors including the assay used. Thiopental: (Moderate) Additive CNS depression may occur if general anesthetics are used concomitantly with barbiturates. Replacement therapy: switch to equivalent total daily dose of oral valproate and give at the same dosing interval; titrate according to plasma valproate levels lovegra. Continue to take betaine even if you feel well.

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