Centro Social Renacer
Rua Cerveira Pereira Nº 23 Lobito – BenguelaTeléfono: 924 310 166
Email: centrosocialrenascerosr@gmail.com
The projects and social centers of Oblates, in the light of the objectives of our mission, become spaces of welcome, integral support and search for opportunities for women. Many crave and become detached from the complex reality of prostitution, others do not, but all enter into processes to improve their personal and family quality of life.
Individualized accompaniment, based on the pedagogy of love, propitiates the passage of urgencies to the processes of autonomy and integration, which can be developed from psychosocial care, residential care, training itineraries, entrepreneurship, job placement and the creation of other individual actions according to each reality.
Know our projects around the world and visit their websites for more information.