In keeping with the World Day of Consecrated Life, which this year has as its motto «Pilgrims and Sowers of Hope», the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer commemorate the 155 years since the foundation of our Congregation.
They went on a journey of faith and trust, until they discovered the need for a new Institute dedicated entirely to this work of redemption, organized in accordance with the objective that they had set themselves:
To welcome and educate women who were engaged in prostitution, opening free shelters for them to receive without any restriction, and that they be true homes where women feel valued, appreciated, recognized and cared for with tenderness and respect. At the same time, they were formative spaces for them to learn a trade and achieve their dreams
Thanks to the unwavering determination of our founders, the Institute prospered and its work was rewarded by the opening of new homes.
The example of Antonia Maria of Mercy to allow herself to be guided by the Spirit, open to the will of God, helps us today to renew our spirits, courage, vigor and audacity to continue the mission of proclaiming God’s wonders and denouncing the prejudices that are rooted in society yesterday and today with regards to women who are in the context of prostitution.
Con esta memoria agradecida, caminamos en unidad con la Vida Consagrada en este Año del Jubileo Ordinario, que sitúa a toda la Iglesia bajo el signo de la esperanza que no defrauda (cf. Rom 5,5) y nos llama a convertirnos en «peregrinos y sembradores de esperanza».
With this grateful memory, we walk in unity with the Consecrated Life in this Year of the Ordinary Jubilee, which places the whole Church under the sign of hope that does not disappoint (cf. Rom 5:5) and calls us to become «pilgrims and sowers of hope».
Thank you for walking with us in this mission of faith and service!